Great news!

Whoohoo! A rang about 10 minutes ago. I almost missed the call because I’d fallen asleep in front of the television, and when the phone woke me I spent about 10 seconds attempting to answer it with the television control.

Anyway, the news is apparently good 🙂 A says there wasn’t any visible nerve or tendon damage, and so he’ll be able to get out tomorrow. More importantly, his hand should eventually be okay again. That’s until I stamp on it as punishment for A having been daft enough to use it for grabbing a barbed wire fence to prevent himself from falling backwards onto tussocky grass… but that’ll be another story for another day.

Thanks once again to y’all for the support here, in texts and in emails ♥ I’m off to bed now, if I can squeeze in next to Piglet who is spread out happily across the pillows. She’s having some sort of strange dream (rabbit related, no doubt) which involves lots of grunting noises, and twitching paws.

Night, y’all 🙂

19 Responses to Great news!

  1. John J says:

    Great news!


  2. Andy Howell says:

    Great news. Give Al my regards. I knew those cheese and wine parties were dangerous 🙂

  3. blogpackinglight says:

    Excellent. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

  4. Phreerunner says:

    Brilliant. Take care getting him home.

  5. Andrew says:

    Great News.
    All the best to Alan.
    Safe journey back.

  6. Mango Terrier says:

    Wuff! Wuff!

  7. Mike Knipe says:

    Does he like jelly babies? (I’m off to Newcastle….)

    • peewiglet says:

      You’re a star!

      He loves Jelly Babies.

      Only reason I’ve not emailed you yet is that I’ve been trying for over an hour to get through to the ward to find out what the plan is. Given that I’m still in Southport, though, waiting to find out, he’ll certainly still be there when you get in.

      He has his mobile off ATM as he has virtually no power left, so I can’t text him either. Please give him a kicking from me when you see him, and tell him I’ll be in to finish the job later 🙂

  8. peewiglet says:

    Many thanks, peeps.

    I’ve finally been able to speak to the ward, and I’m off to collect him soon. We’re coming back to my place tonight, and then going over to his tomorrow.

    Maybe he’ll dictate something for me to write later *g*

  9. john says:

    Glad to read there is no lasting damage and Alan will soon be back on the trail, you folks are part of the hiking inspiration that got me started and long may that last

    Cheers J.P.

  10. Louise says:

    So glad to hear the good news, I’ve been reading each update with bated breath. Best wishes to Alan.

  11. Mike Knipe says:

    He seems generally OK, with his limb wrapped in a plastic bag. Nice nighty, too, but not ideal for botany. I hope he enjoys the JB’s. The chocolate drops are for pwiglet (don’t give any to the dog as they’re not good for dogs.) And there’s some entertainment for the inevitable subsequent NHS waiting room waits….
    RVI seems only slightly smaller than California by the way…. I woder what the GDP works out at?

    • peewiglet says:

      OOh… thanks for those chocolate drops 🙂 I’ve not yet been able to extract them from Alan’s vice-like grip, but I won’t be giving them up…

      The RVI was unfeasibly huge! All the more peculiar, then, that it didn’t appear to be referred to any any road sign until after the general hospital. Naturally, therefore, I went to the general hospital first, only then to be told that I was in the wrong place. My Jungleesque tendencies continue, it seems. I almost needed a GPS to navigate through the RVI itself, once I finally found it.

  12. Mike says:

    I’ve only just picked up on this, what a nasty thing to happen. Very glad to hear Alan is on the mend. This just shows that accidents can happen, I for one will increase what I carry as a First Aid kit.

    All the best, enjoy the recuperation.

    • peewiglet says:

      Thanks, Mike. I’m revising my own First Aid kit too. I used to carry a very comprehensive one, but I’ve become lax in recent years. I’ll have a new one before I next go out.

  13. Andrew says:

    If you are unlucky enough to do what Alan did Mike, you won’t need a First Aid Kit, you’ll need an Operating Theatre. “T’was sanguine spurting everywhere. Bloomin’ ‘orrible it were sir an no mistakin’ “.
    Wire cutters spring to mind as essential kit. Colditz style barbed wire in the Borders, Electrified Fences in Angus, it’ll be £^&*** minefields next.
    But at least Alan is ok.

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